5T Diesel Forklift

Designed for demanding industrial applications and powered by a diesel engine, these forklift offers exceptional lifting and carrying capabilities, making it suitable for handling heavy loads and rugged outdoor tasks. Known for its reliability and durability, the diesel forklift is well-suited for operations that require extended working hours and high torque performance. Its diesel engine provides consistent power and can handle tough environments such as construction sites, lumberyards, and shipping yards.

The forklift comes equipped with a mast that can extend to various heights, providing different lift heights, allowing the forklift to reach the required elevations to load and unload materials efficiently. The choice of mast size should be based on the specific needs and constraints of your material handling tasks. Whatever your company’s needs, Mainline can assist with helping you select the right machine for your job.

Max. Mast Height specification based on the 5.7m option. Otherwise 4.7m


5T Diesel Forklift
Overall Width1.510m
Overall Length4.325m
Load Capacity5000kg
Min Mast2.305m
Max Mast5.700m

Specifications may be subject to change – clarification should be sought at point of hire